主题词:肌筋膜痛(myofascial pain) 激痛点(myofascial trigger point,肌筋膜触发点) 肌电生理疼痛 针刺疗法 非侵入性治疗 注射疗法 牵张疗法
讲习收费: 800元(人民币,包含午餐费用)。
讲习专家:Chang-Zern Hong(洪章仁) 美国加州大学教授(Professor (Retired and Recalled) ,Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,University of California Irvine, Orange, California),台湾弘光科技大學教授(Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, Hungkuang University, Shalu, Taichung),洪教授是国际疼痛界最具影响力的专家,顶尖的华人临床医学专家,是肌筋膜痛(myofascial pain)主要研究者之一,是JG Travell、DG Simons 的同事和合作者,美国加州和密西根州的执业医师。
8:30—10:00 肌筋膜痛(myofascial pain)的特点、生理病理
10:00—10:20 茶歇
10:20—11:30 肌筋膜痛的诊断
15:50—16:50 软组织痛(soft tissue pain)的机理、诊断和治疗
16:50 结束
讲习联系:孙 彬:025-83204212 15050554431 (QQ)267091487
传 真:025-86458408—806
http// www.zgzjxh.cn或 www.andiyx.com
洪教授撰写了大量的SCI学术论文,这里列举2000年后以第一作者发表的论文。有关论文情况,请大家登陆www.pubmed.com,以Chang-Zern Hong等关键词检索,或者登陆www.fuzhen.com.cn查看。
1 Chang-Zern Hong: Specific sequential myofascial trigger point therapy in the treatment of a patient with myofascial pain syndrome associated with reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Journal of the Chiropractic & Osteopathic College of Australasia 9(1): 7-11, March 2000.
2 Chang-Zern Hong: Myofascial trigger points: Pathophysiology and correlation with acupuncture points. Acupuncture in Medicine 18(1):41-47, June 2000.
3 Chang-Zern Hong: Intramuscular sensory neurolysis – a new technique to control spasticity. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Association Republic of China. 29(1):43-49, 2001.
4 Chang-Zern Hong: New Trends in Myofascial Pain Syndrome (Invited review). Chinese Medical Journal (Taipei) 65:501-512, 2002.
5 Chang-Zern Hong, Emerson Meng-Fong Jou, Ta-Shen Kuan, Shu-Min Chen, Jo-Tong Chen: Diagnosis of Myofascial Trigger Points. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Association Republic of China. 31(1):1-12, 2003.
6 Chang-Zern Hong, Emerson Meng-Fong Jou, Ta-Shen Kuan, Shu-Min Chen, Jo-Tong Chen: The Management for Myofascial Trigger Points. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Association Republic of China. 31(2):67-77, 2003.
7 Chang-Zern Hong: Myofascial pain therapy. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain, 12(3/4):37-43, 2004.
8 Chang-Zern Hong: Treatment of myofascial pain syndrome. Current Pain and Headache Reports, 10:345-349, 2006.
1 I-Nan Lien, Chien-Fong Wu and Chang-Zern Hong: Immediate Post-operative Pylon Fitting for Lower Extremity Amputation: Experience with 30 cases compared to 35 cases with conventional method. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 72(4):224-233, 1973.
2 I-Nan Lien and Chang-Zern Hong: Topical Use of Ascorbic Acid in the Management of Pressure Sore: Quantitative estimation with a new method. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 75(4): 243-250, 1976.
3 Chang-Zern Hong, Robert L Joynt, James C Lin, Sandra Lutfy, Pastor Causin and Richard J Meltzer: Axillary F-loop Latency of Ulnar Nerve in Normal Young Adults. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 62(11): 565-569,1981.
4 Chang-Zern Hong, James C Lin, Leonard F Bender, Joseph N Schaeffer, Richard J Meltzer and Pastor Causin: Magnetic Necklace: Its therapeutic effectiveness on neck and shoulder pain. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 63(10):462-466,1982.
5 Chang-Zern Hong and I-Nan Lien: Metabolic Effects of Exhaustive Training of Athletes. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 65(7):362-365,1984.
6 James C Lin, Gary W Singleton, Joseph N Schaeffer, Chang-Zern Hong and Richard J Meltzer: Geophysical Variables and Behavior: XXVII. Magnetic Necklace: It's therapeutic effectiveness on neck and shoulder pain: 2. Psychological Assessment. Psychological Reports 56:639-649, 1985.
7 Chang-Zern Hong: Electrodiagnostic Findings of Persisting Polyneuropathies due to Previous Nutritional Deficiency in Former Prisoners of war. Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology 26:351-363, 1986.
8 Chang-Zern Hong, Soonhae Lee and Peter Lum: Cervical Radiculopathy: Clinical, radiographic and EMG findings. Orthopedic Review XV(7):433-439, 1986.
9 Chang-Zern Hong, David Harmon and Jen Yu: Static Magnetic Field Influence on Rat Tail Nerve Function. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 67(10):746-749, 1986.
10 Chang-Zern Hong: Static Magnetic Field Influence on Human Nerve Function. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 68(3):162-164, 1987.
11 Chang-Zern Hong and W T Liberson: Propagation of Compound Muscle Action Potentials Measured with Small Surface Recording Electrodes. Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology 27(6-7):415-417, 1987.
12 Payandeh Abadee, Paul Kern and Chang-Zern Hong: Rehabilitation in Dual Disability of Hemiplegia and Upper Extremity Amputation - Two case reports. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 68(4):226-228, 1987.
13 Chang-Zern Hong: Peripheral Neuropathy in Former Prisoners of War. VA practitioner 4(2):63-68, 1987.
14 Charles Salzberg, Dee Hanley, James Jennison and Chang-Zern Hong: Back School - a Valuable Rehabilitation Tool for the Management of Low Back Pain. Pain Management 1(2):78-84, 1988.
15 Raghavaiah Kanakamedala and Chang-Zern Hong: Electrophysiologic Studies of the Median Nerve and its Palmar Cutaneous Branches after Nerve Grafting. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 69(5):344-347, 1988.
16 Chang-Zern Hong, Harrison H Liu and Jen Yu: Ultrasound Thermotherapy Effect on the Recovery of Nerve Conduction in Experimental Compression Neuropathy. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 69(6):410-414, 1988.
17 Chang-Zern Hong, Peter Huestis, Robert Thompson and Jen Yu: Learning Ability of Young Rats is Unaffected by Repeated Exposure to a Static Electromagnetic Field in Early Life. Bioelectromagnetics 9(3):269-273, 1988.
18 Chang-Zern Hong, Fred Batkin, Edgardo San Luis and Jen Yu: Averaged Axillary F-loop Latency of Median and Ulnar Nerves. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 69(9):685-688, 1988.
19 Chang-Zern Hong, Hong-Chi Cheng, Linda Wang, and Jen Yu: Averaged F-wave Conduction Velocity of Peroneal Nerve. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 67(4):166-170, 1988.
20 Chang-Zern Hong and Jen Yu: Electrophysiologic Recovery of Acute Conduction Block of Rat Tail Nerve. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 70(3):205-209, 1989Charles Chen-Siung Yang, James S. Lieberman, and Chang-Zern Hong: Early Smooth Horizontal Eye Movement - a Favorable Prognostic Sign in Patients with Locked-in Syndrome. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 70(3):230-232, 1989.
21 David J. Oliveri, Kenneth Lynn, and Chang-Zern Hong: Increased Skin Temperature after Vibratory Stimulation. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 68(2): 81-85, 1989.
22 Raghavaiah V Kanakamedala and Chang-Zern Hong: Peroneal Nerve Entrapment at the Knee Localized by Short Segment Stimulation. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 68(3): 116-122, 1989.
23 Chang-Zern Hong, Ben B Cheng, Anita Y Liu and Jen Yu: Local Steroid Injection: Its Effect on the Recovery of Nerve Conduction in Experimental Neuropathy. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 71(1):42-45, 1990.
24 Chang-Zern Hong and Frank G Shellock: Short-term Exposure to a 1.5 Tesla Static Magnetic Field does not affect Somato-sensory-evoked Potentials in Man. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 8(1):65-69, 1990.
25 Chang-Zern Hong, Edgardo B San Luis and Susan Chung: Follow-up Study on the Use of Leg Braces Issued to Spinal Cord Injury Patients. Paraplegia 28(3):172-177, 1990.
26 Chang-Zern Hong: Reversible Nerve Conduction Block in Patients with Polyneuropathy after Ultrasound Thermotherapy at Therapeutic Dosage. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 72(2):132-137, 1991.
27 Chang-Zern Hong and Frank G Shellock: Effects of a Topically Applied Counterirritant (Eucalyptamint) on Cutaneous Blood Flow, Skin and Muscle Temperature. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 70(1):29-33, 1991.
28 John E Swett, Chang-Zern Hong and Peter G Miller: All Peroneal Motoneurons of the Rat Survive Crush Injury but Some Fail to Reinnervate Their Original Targets. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 304:234-252. 1991.
29 Raghavaiah V Kanakamedala, William L Firtch and Chang-Zern Hong: Conduction of the Dorsal Digital Branches of the Radial Nerve to the Long Finger. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 72(7):576-578, 1991.
30 Chang-Zern Hong, David G. Simons: Response to Treatment for Pectoralis Minor Myofascial Pain Syndrome after Whiplash. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 1(1):89-131, 1993.
31 Chang-Zern Hong, Yuan-Chung Chen, Cindy H Pon, and Jen Yu: Immediate Effects of Various Physical Medicine Modalities on Pain Threshold of the Active Myofascial Trigger Points. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 1(2): 37-52, 1993.
32 Chang-Zern Hong: Myofascial Trigger Point Injection. Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 5(2):203-217, 1993.
33 Chang-Zern Hong: Persistence of Local Twitch Response with Loss of Conduction to and from Spinal Cord. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 75:12-16, 1994.
34 Chang-Zern Hong: Considerations and Recommendations of Myofascial Trigger Point Injection. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 2(1): 29-59, 1994.
35 Chang-Zern Hong: Lidocaine Injection versus Dry Needling to Myofascial Trigger Point: The importance of the local twitch response. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 73(4):256-263 1994.
36 Chang-Zern Hong, Yasuhiro Torigoe: Electrophysiological Characteristics of Localized Twitch Responses in Responsive Taut Bands of Rabbit Skeletal Muscle Fibers. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 2(2): 17-43, 1994.
37 Chang-Zern Hong, Yasuhiro Torigoe, and Jen Yu: The Localized Twitch Responses in Responsive Taut Bands of Rabbit Skeletal Muscle Fibers are related to the Reflexes at Spinal Cord Level. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 3(1):15-33, 1995.
38 David G. Simons, Chang-Zern Hong, Lois Statham Simons: Prevalence of Spontaneous Electrical Activity at Trigger Spots and at Control Sites in Rabbit Skeletal Muscle. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 3(1):35-48, 1995.
39 Ying-Ming Chang and Chang-Zern Hong: Current Views on myofascial pain syndrome (in Chinese). Journal of Internal medicine ROC 6(3): 218-227, September 1995.
40 Pao-Tsai Cheng, Chang-Zern Hong: Prediction of reflex sympathetic dystrophy in hemiplegic patients by electromyographic study. Stroke 26(12):2277-2280, December 1995.
41 John E. Sweet, Chang-Zern Hong, Peter G. Miller: Most Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons of the Adult Rat Survive Nerve Crush Injury. Somatosensory and Motor Research Vol. 12, Nos. 3-4: 177-189, 1995.
42 Chang-Zern Hong: Pathophysiology of Myofascial Trigger Point. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 95(2):93-104, 1996.
43 Sy-Heng Chen, Yen-Chun Wu, Chang-Zern Hong: Current management of Myofascial Pain Syndrome. Chinese Journal of Pain 6(1):27-44, 1996.
44 Ta-Shen Kuan, Shiuann-Ming Chen, Yen-Chun Wu, Tse-Chieh Hsueh, Chang-Zern Hong: Motor unit recruitment and amplitude of motor nerve evoked muscle action potential for the assessment of axonal loss in lumbar radiculopathy. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Association Republic of China 24 (1):1-10, 1996
45 Chang-Zern Hong, Yuh-Ning Chen, Debra Twehous, Dennis H Hong: Pressure Threshold for Referred Pain by Compression on the Trigger Point and Adjacent Areas. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 4(3):61-79, 1996.
46 Chang-Zern Hong, Huong-Anh Long, Raghaviah V. Kanakamedala, Ying-Ming Chang, Liva Yates: Splinting and local steroid injection for the treatment of ulnar neuropathy at elbow: clinical and electrophysiologic evaluation. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 77:573-577, 1996.
47 Chang-Zern Hong, Tse-Chieh Hsueh: Difference in pain relief after trigger point injections in myofascial pain patients with and without fibromyalgia. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 77:1161-1166, 1996.
48 Jason C. Lee, Doris T. Lin, Chang-Zern Hong: The effectiveness of simultaneous thermotherapy with ultrasound and electrotherapy with combined AC and DC current on the immediate pain relief of myofascial trigger point. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 5(1):81-90, 1997.
49 Robert D Gerwin, Steve Shannon, Chang-Zern Hong, David Hubbard, R Gevirtz: Interrater reliability in myofascial trigger point examination. Pain 69:65-73, 1997.
50 Jo-Tong Chen, Chang-Zern Hong: Pathophysiology of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Association Republic of China 25(1):1-11, 1997.
51 Shu-Min Chen, Jo-Tong Chen, Thy-Sheng Lin, Chang-Zern Hong: Subclinical Superficial peroneal nerve lesions in cyclists in south Taiwan. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Association Republic of China 25(1):27-32, 1997.
52 Jo-Tong Chen, Shu-Min Chen, Thy-Sheng Lin,Ta-Shen Kuan, Chang-Zern Hong: Mixed nerve conduction study on brachial plexus and its application on brachial plexus lesions. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Association Republic of China 25(1):57-63, 1997.
53 Chun-Ming Wu, Hsing-Hong Chen, Chang-Zern Hong: Myofascial trigger points in patients with lumbar radiculopathy due to disc herniation before and after surgery. Journal of the Surgical Association, Republic of China 30(3):175-184, 1997.
54 Shiuann-Ming Chen, Yen-Chun Wu, Ta-Shen Kuan, Tzu-Tung Tsai, Chang-Zern Hong: Motor unit recruitment and amplitude of motor nerve evoked muscle action potential for the assessment of axon loss in cervical radiculopathy. Acta Neurologica Taiwanica 6:217-222, 1997.
55 Chang-Zern Hong, Ta-Shen Kuan, Jo-Tong Chen, Shu-Min Chen: Referred pain elicited by palpation and by needling of myofascial trigger points: a comparison. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 78:957-960, 1997
56 Pao-Tsai Cheng, Chang-Zern Hong, Mei-Yun Liaw: Spontaneous electromyographic potentials in cervical cord-injured patients are related to dysesthetic pain. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 76:389-394, 1997.
57 Tse-Chieh Hsueh, Pao-Tsai Cheng, Ta-Shen Kuan, Chang-Zern Hong: The immediate effectiveness of electrical nerve stimulation on myofascial trigger points. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 76:471-476, 1997.
58 Chang-Zern Hong: Algometry in evaluation of trigger points and referred pain. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 6(1):47-59, 1998.
59 Shu-Min Chen, Jo-Tong Chen, Yen-Chun Wu, Ta-Shen Kuan, Chang-Zern Hong: Myofascial Trigger Point in Intercostal Muscles Secondary to Herpes Zoster Infection to the Intercostal Nerve. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 79:336-338, 1998.
60 Tse-Chieh Hsueh, Sunny Yu, Ta-Shen Kuan, Chang-Zern Hong: Association of active myofascial trigger points and cervical disc lesion. Journal of Formosan Medical Association 97:174-180, 1998.
61 Yu-Chang Chang, Sheng-Fen Kao, Ta-Chen Kuan, Chang-Zern Hong: Distribution of sensitive loci where localized twitch response can be elicited in rat skeletal muscle. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Association Republic of China 26(1):1-8, 1998.
62 Pei-Shin Lee, Poiwei Lin, Lin-Fen Hsieh, Chang-Zern Hong: Facet injection to control the recurrent myofascial trigger points: a case report. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Association Republic of China 26(1):41-45, 1998.
63 Jo-Tong Chen, Shu-Min Chen, Ta-Shen Kuan, Kau-Chi Chung, Chang-Zern Hong: Phentolamine effect on the spontaneous electrical activity of active loci in a myofascial trigger spot of rabbit skeletal muscle. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 79:790-794, 1998.
64 Chang-Zern Hong, David G. Simons: Pathophysiological and electrophysiological mechanisms of myofascial trigger points. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 79:863-872, 1998.
65 Lin-Fen Hsieh, En-Syh Liaw, Hisn-Yi Cheng, Chang-Zern Hong: Bilateral femoral neuropathy after vaginal hysterectomy. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 79:1018-1021, 1998.
66 Min-Way Lai, Chang-Zern Hong: Additional ultrasound therapy after myofascial trigger point injection for the management of post-injection soreness. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Association Republic of China 26(3):111-118, 1998.
67 Chang-Zern Hong, Jen Yu: Spontaneous electrical activity of rabbit trigger spot after transection of spinal cord and peripheral nerve. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 6(4):45-58, 1998.
68 Ta-Shen Kuan, Shu-Min Chen, Jo-Tong Chen, Chang-Zern Hong: The basic unit of myofascial trigger points. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Association Republic of China. 26(4):161-168, 1998.
69 Jeng-Fong Yang, Wen-Shuan Liaw, Chang-Zern Hong: Effect of high frequency vibration on nerve excitability. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Association Republic of China. 27(1):7-14, 1999.
70 Chang-Zern Hong: Current research on myofascial trigger points – Pathophysiological studies. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 7(1/2):121-129, 1999.
71 Wen-Chung Tsai, Tyng-Guey Wang, Chang-Zern Hong: Myofascial trigger points in the ipsilateral gluteal muscles associated with pyogenic sacroiliitis: A case report. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 7(3):73-82, 1999.
72 Ta-Shen Kuan, Yu-Chang Chang, Chang-Zern Hong: Distribution of active loci in rat skeletal muscle. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 7(4):45-54, 1999.
73 Chun-Pin Lin, Shu-Min Chen, Jo-Tong Chen, Jeng-Fong Yang, Ta-Shen Kuan, Chang-Zern Hong: Therapeutic effectiveness of low level laser on myofascial trigger points. Journal of the Physical Therapy Association of the Republic of China 25(1):15-26, 2000.
74 Chang-Yu J. Hsieh, Chang-Zern Hong, Alan H. Adams, Katherine Platt, Clark D. Danielson, Fred K. Hoehler, Jerome S. Tobis: Inter-examiner reliability on the palpation of trigger points in the trunk and lower limb muscles. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 81(3):258-264, March 2000.
75 Chang-Zern Hong: Specific sequential myofascial trigger point therapy in the treatment of a patient with myofascial pain syndrome associated with reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Journal of the Chiropractic & Osteopathic College of Australasia 9(1): 7-11, March 2000.
76 Chang-Zern Hong: Myofascial trigger points: Pathophysiology and correlation with acupuncture points. Acupuncture in Medicine 18(1):41-47, June 2000.
77 Chang-Zern Hong, David G. Simons: Pathophysiological and electrophysiological mechanisms of myofascial trigger points. U. S. Chinese Journal of Orthopedics 6(4):372-378, 2000.
78 Ta-Shen Kuan, Thy-Sheng Lin, Jo-tong Chen, Shu-Min Chen, Chang-Zern Hong: No increased neuromuscular jitter at rabbit skeletal muscle trigger spot spontaneous electrical activity sites. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 8(3):69-82, 2000.
79 Shu-Min Chen, Jo-Tong, Chen, Ta-Shen Kuan, Judith Hong, Chang-Zern Hong: Decrease in pressure pain thresholds of latent myofascial trigger points in the middle finger extensors immediately after continuous piano practice. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 8(3):83-92, 2000.
80 Chang-Zern Hong: Intramuscular sensory neurolysis – a new technique to control spasticity. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Association Republic of China. 29(1):43-49, 2001.
81 Ta-Shen Kuan, Shu-Min Chen, Jo-Tong Chen, Chi-Hsien Chien, Chang-Zern Hong: The effect of transection of innervating nerve on spontaneous electrical activity of myofascial trigger spot in rabbit skeletal muscle. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Association Republic of China. 29(2):65-75, 2001.
82 Chang-Zern Hong: Electromyographic assessment of neurological function in patients with myelomeningocele caused by spina bifida (Comment). Chinese Medical Journal (Taipei) 64(9):8-9, 2001.
83 Jo-Tong Chen, Kao-Chi Chung, Chuen-Ru Hou, Ta-Shen Kuan, Shu-Min Chen, Chang-Zern Hong: Inhibitory effect of dry needling on the spontaneous electrical activity recorded from myofascial trigger spots of rabbit skeletal muscle. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 80: 729-735, 2001.
84 David G Simons, Chang-Zern Hong, Lois S Simons: Endplate potentials are common to midfiber myofascial trigger points. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 81:212-222, 2002.
85 Chuen-Ru Hou, Kao-Chi Chung, Jo-Tong Chen, Chang-Zern Hong: Effects of Calcium Channel Blocker on Electrical Activity in Myofascial Trigger Spots of Rabbit. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 81:342-349, 2002.
86 Ta-Shen Kuan, Jo-Tong Chen, Shu-Min Chen, Chi-Hsien Chen, Chang-Zern Hong: Effect of Botulinum Toxin on Endplate Noise in Myofascial Trigger Spots of Rabbit Skeletal Muscle. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 81:512-520, 2002.
87 Chang-Yu J. Hsieh, Alan H. Adams, Jerome S. Tobis, Chang-Zern Hong, Clark D. Danielson, Katherine Platt, Fred K. Hoehler, Sibylle Reinsch, Arthur Rubel: Effectiveness of four treatments for subacute low back pain: a randomized clinical trial. Spine 27(11):1142-1148, 2002 (June 1).
88 Chuen-Ru Hou, Li-Chen Tsai, Kuang-Feng Cheng, Kao-Chi Chung, Chang-Zern Hong: Immediate effects of various physical therapeutic modalities on cervical myofascial pain and trigger point sensitivity. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 83:1406-1414. 2002.
89 Po-Hong Chen, Hsiu-Fang Hsueh, Chang-Zern Hong: Herpes Zoster-associated voiding dysfunction: a retrospective study and literature review. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 83(11):1624-1628, 2002.
90 Chang-Zern Hong: New Trends in Myofascial Pain Syndrome (Invited review). Chinese Medical Journal (Taipei) 65:501-512, 2002.
91 Chang-Zern Hong, Emerson Meng-Fong Jou, Ta-Shen Kuan, Shu-Min Chen, Jo-Tong Chen: Diagnosis of Myofascial Trigger Points. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Association Republic of China. 31(1):1-12, 2003.
92 Chang-Zern Hong, Emerson Meng-Fong Jou, Ta-Shen Kuan, Shu-Min Chen, Jo-Tong Chen: The Management for Myofascial Trigger Points. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Association Republic of China. 31(2):67-77, 2003.
93 Pei-Hsin Lee, Lin-Fen Hsieh, Chang-Zern Hong: Unilateral Brachial Plexus Injury as a Complication of Thoracoscopic Sympathectomy for Hyperhidrosis: a Case Report. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 84:1395-1398, 2003.
94 Ta-Shen Kuan, Chang-Zern Hong: Sequential myofascial trigger point injection to treat a patient with myofascial pain syndrome associated with reflex sympathetic dystrophy: a case report. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Association Republic of China. 31(3):155-163, 2003.
95 Wei-Jang Yen, Tzy-Fang Chu, Ta-Shen Kuan, Mao-Huan Hung, Chang-Zern Hong: A comparison between the patellofemoral function scale and the Lequesne index in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Taiwanese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 32(1):11-18, 2004.
96 Chang-Zern Hong: Myofascial pain therapy. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain, 12(3/4):37-43, 2004.
97 Tien-Sung Yeh, Ta-Shen Kuan, I-Ning Tang, Chia-Hui Chen, Chang-Zern Hong: The impact of low back pain in patient’s sexual life. Taiwanese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. (in Chinese) 33(2):63-70, 2005.
98 Wei-Chang Yen, Tzy-Fang Chu, Ta-Shen Kuan, Chia-Hui Chen, Chang-Zern Hong: The trapezius reflex: A new reflex for bilateral motor control. Taiwanese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. (in Chinese) 33(2):79-85, 2005.
99 I-Ning Tang, Jo-Tong Chen, Chang-Zern Hong: Femoral neuropathy after reconstruction of a defect due to buccal cancer excision using a thigh flap” a case report. Taiwanese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 33(3):171-177, 2005.
100 Shyi-Kuen Wu, Chang-Zern Hong, Jia-Yuan You, Chiung-Ling Chen, Lin-Hwa Wang, Fong-Chin Su: Therapeutic effect on the change of gait performance in chronic calf myofascial pain syndrome: a time series case study. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain, 13(3):33-43, 2005
101 Susan Y. Fan, Chang-Zern Hong, Lin-Fen Hsieh, Yii-Jiun Shao, Hsu-Yi Chen: Bilateral Sciatic Neuropathy due to Drug Overdose with Coma. Taiwanese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 34(1):33-39, 2006.
102 Po-Hong Chen, Hsiu-Fang Hsueh, Chang-Zern Hong: Acute neuropathy mimicking Guillain-Barre syndrome after diabetic ketoacidosis: a case report. Taiwanese Journal of Physical Medicine and rehabilitation, 34(1):41-47, 2006.
103 Chun-Fu Wang, Mou Chen, Min-Ta Lin, Ta-Shen Kuan, Chang-Zern Hong (corresp): Teres Minor Tendinitis Manifested with Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome in the Scapular Muscles – A case report. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 14(1): 39-43, 2006.
104 Mu-Jung Kao, Yueh-Ling Hsieh, Fang-Juan Kuo, Chang-Zern Hong (corresp): Electrophysiological assessment of acupuncture points. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 85(5):443-448, 2006.
105 Chang-Zern Hong: Treatment of myofascial pain syndrome. Current Pain and Headache Reports, 10:345-349, 2006.
106 Mu-Jung Kao, Ting-I Han, Ta-Shen Kuan, Yueh-Ling Hsieh, Bai-Horng Su, Chang-Zern Hong (corresp): Myofascial Trigger Points in the Early Life. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 88(2):251-254, 2007.
107 Ta-Shen Kuan, Yueh-Ling Hsieh, Shu-Min Chen, Jo-Tong Chen., Wei-Chang Yen, Chang-Zern Hong (corresp): The Myofascial Trigger Point Region: Correlation between the degree of irritability and the prevalence of endplate noise. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 86(3):183-189, 2007.
108 Yueh-Ling Hsieh, Mu-Jung Kao, Ta-Shen Kuan, Shu-Min Chen, Jo-Tong Chen, Chang-Zern Hong (corresp): Dry Needling to a Key Myofascial Trigger Point may Reduce the Irritability of their Satellite Myofascial Trigger Points. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 86(5):397-403, 2007.
109 Ta-Shen Kuan, Chang-Zern Hong, Jo-Tong Chen, Su-Min Chen, Chi-Hsien Chien: The Spinal Cord Connections of Myofascial Trigger Spots: European Journal of Pain 11:624-634, 2007.
110 Yun-Fu Chou, Wei-Jang Yen, Chia-Hui Dai, Ta-Shen Kuan, Chang-Zern Hong: Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome with chronic subdural hemorrhage: a case report. Taiwanese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 35(2): 111-116, 2007.
111 Li-We Chou, Judith Y Hong, Chang-Zern Hong (corresp): A new technique of acupuncture therapy and its effectiveness in treating fibromyalgia - A Case Report. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 16(3); 193-198, 2008..
112 Hung-Chih Hsu, Chang-Zern Hong (corresp): Floating Kidney with Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome in the Abdominal Muscles as the Major Clinical Manifestation: A Case Report. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 16(3):199-204, 2008.
113 Mu-Jung Kao, Ta-Shen Kuan, Yueh-Ling Hsieh, Jeng-Feng Yang, Chang-Zern Hong (corresp): Myofascial Low Back Pain. Taiwanese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 36(1):1-14, 2008.
114 Chung-Li Tseng, Mu-Jung Kao, Li-Wei Chou, Chang-Zern Hong (corresp): Injection of Remote Myofascial Trigger Points for Pain Control: A Case Report. Taiwanese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 36(1):53-58, 2008.
115 Chia-Huang Dai, Wei-Jang Yen, Ta-Shen Kuan, Chang-Zern Hong: Rehabilitation and Prognosis of Childhood Arterial Ischemic Stroke: A Case Report (in Chinese). Taiwanese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 36(2):105-110, 2008.
116 Ying-Hsuan Wang, Shu-Min Chen, Jo-Tong Chen, Wei-Chang Yen, Ta-Shen Kuan, Chang-Zern Hong: The effect of taping therapy on patients with myofascial pain syndrome: a pilot study (in Chinese). Taiwanese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 36(3):145-150, 2008.
117 Fang-Chuan Kuo, Chang-Zern Hong, Ting-I Han, Chun-Hung Chiu: A Pilot Study for Vascular and Neurohormone Reactions to Acupoints Stimulation in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Formosan Journal of Physical Therapy 33(4): 246-253, 2008.
118 Kai-Hua Chen, Chang-Zern Hong, Fang-Chuan Kuo, Hung-Chih Hsu, Yueh-Ling Hsieh: Electrophysiologic Effects of a Therapeutic Laser on Myofascial Trigger Spots of Rabbit Skeletal Muscles. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 87:1006-1014, 2008.
119 Li-Wei Chou, Yueh-Ling Hsieh, Mu-Jong Kao, Chang-Zern Hong (Corresp): Remote Influences of Acupuncture on the Pain Intensity and the Amplitude Changes of Endplate Noise in the Myofascial Trigger Point of the Upper Trapezius Muscle. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 90:905-912, 2009.
120 Chien-Tsung Tsai, Lin-Fen Hsieh, Ta-Shen Kuan, Mu-Jung Kao, Li-Wei Chou, Chang-Zern Hong (corresp): Remote Effects of Dry Needling on the Irritability of the Myofascial Trigger Point in the Upper Trapezius Muscle. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (in press).
121 Yung-Nan Hsu, Liu-Ing Bih, Chang-Zern Hong: Hemineglect and hemianopsia in patients with right hemisphere stroke. Taiwanese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (in press).
122 Chien-Tsung Tsai, Lin-Fen Hsieh, Ta-Shen Kuan, Mu-Jung Kao, Chang-Zern Hong (corresp): Effectiveness of Injection into Cervical Facet Joint Region in Treating Shoulder Pain with Myofascial Trigger Points in the Upper Trapezius Muscle Secondary to Cervical Facet Lesion. ORTHOPEDICS (in press).